




60 tablets per bottle

Balanced support in times of emotional distress and melancholy.

Each Tablet Contains:  Calcium (as citrate) 20 mg, Thiamine (as hydrochloride) 10 mg, Niacin (as niacinamide) 50 mg, Folate (as folic acid) 100 mcg, Vitamin B-12 (as cyanocobalamine) 250 mcg, Magnesium (as citrate) 16 mg.  Proprietary blend 520 mg* of:  St. Johns Wort (herb), Ginkgo (leaf), Damiana (leaf), Blue Vervain (herb), Hyssop (leaf), Eleuthero (root), Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate, Riboflavin-5-Phosphate, Gingko Extract (leaf).

Do not use this product while taking any prescription drugs, without the advice of your prescribing physician.  Avoid excessive exposure to UV irradiation (e.g. sunlight, tanning) when using this product.  


Contraindicated when taking Anti-Depressants. Do not take while taking mood-altering drugs. St. John’s Wort is believed to act as an SSRI, and cautions of it being a possible MAO inhibitor (avoid tyramine-containing foods, etc.) have not been substantiated. Hypericin, the concentrated extract, can cause sun sensitivity, however there is not as much concern with the whole herb. New studies indicate that there may be interactions with drugs other than antidepressants. Caution is advised when combining St. John’s with other drugs until these studies can be substantiated. Ginkgo in large quantities is contraindicated with anticoagulant drugs (only a small amount is used in this synergistic formula). Eleuthero in large quantities is contraindicated in hypertension (only a small amount is used in this synergistic formula). Kava kava should not be combined with alcohol. Use caution in pregnancy. None of the herbs in this formula are directly contraindicated in pregnancy, however, it is a good idea to check with a licensed professional when contemplating the use of herbs during pregnancy.

1 tablet daily or as directed



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